Mailbox dimensions, what should I take into account?
, 4 min reading time
, 4 min reading time
Do you want to place a letterbox in your garden so that you can receive your mail safely? Then it is important that you know what the legal rules are about this, not only about the distance from the public road, but also the size of the letterbox. There are some rules that apply to this.
It is true that a postal worker can easily reach the letterbox, preferably as close as possible to the public road. The bus must also be accessible without obstacles. The distance from the public road to the mailbox may not exceed ten meters. If the distance is greater, you may not receive mail in the mailbox.
There are some requirements that must be met for the dimensions of a letterbox:
You can place the letterbox where you as a recipient find it most practical, provided you comply with the requirements regarding public roads, the minimum height and the house number. If you prefer to place the letterbox on the left rather than on the right, that is no problem. You can help the delivery person if you place the mailbox as close to the road as possible.
If your front door is less than 10 meters from the street, you can also opt for a letterbox on the facade in which letters and other mail can be delivered.
Of course there are also some exceptions, this is the case with every law and rule. Think, for example, of apartment buildings, where the postman delivers the mail to a collection point of mailboxes. This is also the case with business buildings, it is important that the mailboxes are located at the entrance.
Is it true that PostNL does not want to deliver the mail to you because they believe your mailbox does not meet the rules? Then it is important to write a letter or email to them for a suitable solution.
It is necessary that you carefully check whether the letterbox really complies with the rules that are required for the letterbox. If you want to install a letterbox in your garden or on the facade, it is important that you know the dimensions of the letterbox should be and how far it should be from the public road. This so that you are not faced with any surprises and do not receive mail because of the rules.
You can buy a letterbox online at Doika that meets the requirements! You can buy a letterbox that can be placed freely, but also a letterbox that can preferably be placed on the wall.
You can also choose from different types of materials, including: corten steel, wood, aluminum, plastic and steel. This is entirely up to your own taste, which of course depends on what suits the style of the entire home. So there is something for everyone at Doika, view the offer immediately!
You also have a choice of different types of letterboxes. You can have wall-mounted mailboxes delivered to be placed at the front of the house. You can also mount a letterbox on a post so that it can stand freely. You can also purchase a free-standing letterbox.
Do you need advice from us about the letterboxes? Then you can contact us!